Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Me I'm Supposed To Be

Have you ever had a champion in your life who made you feel special? Someone who provided you with a chance that changed the course of your life forever? I've been blessed to have women in my life who have been this for me in the form of mother, manager, boss, mentor and friend. 

Perhaps one of the best examples of this came during college. I must admit, I used to be a terrrrrrrrrrrrrible waitress. It's true! There is a level of multi-tasking required in this occupation that I just don't seem to have within me naturally. I would get flustered. Forget to bring ketchup...even after more than three requests. I couldn't get the timing right on placing orders, organizing drinks and appetizer timing was a nightmare in and of itself. I have had more than one customer storm out without any inclination of leaving a tip. 

Um hmm. I was THAT girl. And if I ever waited on you back in those days, I apologize. Luck of the drawl and all... But none of this mattered to me because the best gig in our college town was a job at Chili's and I needed dinero. I finally got in after hounding the manager for three months to give me just one chance. Sadly, after just a week he called me into his office to inform me that I was "not Chili's material."

Wait a minute...I'm...not...Chili's....material???

Do you KNOW sweet reader how much this rocked my world? It has become kind of a family joke now but I called my mother sobbing. This was, quite possibly, the worst news in the world according to my 19 year old self. 

Flash forward a few months. I may not have been Chili's material but TGI Friday's had decided to give me a go. Each shift we gathered for a team meeting. The extra-special-shift-leader-who-could-do-no-wrong was usually a Top Ten server according to sales and comment cards. This person would kick off our shift and hand out pins to those who did an amazing job. I would hang in the back of the crowd, not getting pins, not leading. Invisible but happily employed. 

THEN....(this is the cool part, ya'll)....a manager from another store came to visit! Yeah! She eyed me for a few days. And one day, she started our shift and announced Michelle was the shift lead. Silence. Michelle? Wait, that was me!!! All eyes slowly turned to look at a bewildered girl who had never led anything. And I stepped up...and had the most awesome time! The next shift? I led again!

With that single action the manager changed my world and how I saw myself. Suddenly, I began talking like a Top 10 server, selling fried cheese and mudpies like there was no tomorrow! I got pins, I got the best shifts and sections. People rained praise through comment cards. And one day? I did become a Top Ten server! Ta Da!!! Take that, Chili's!!

My point is, God made each of us uniquely special. And sometimes He places people in our lives to embrace us, to encourage our hearts and lift us up to be who He created us to be. 

Today, can you think of someone who needs a champion in their lives? Is there an opportunity or encouragement you can give to a heart that may change the way they see themselves? 

I'd love to hear from you, who has been this champion in your life?

Blessings, Michelle


  1. Michelle,
    What a beautiful testimony. I landed here from Time Warp wife, and loved that your story reminds us that God places so many special somethings within us. We just don't know when those blessings will come to light.
    Peace and good to you today.

  2. oh yes, encouragement is such a blessing! What a great reminder :)

  3. This is great! Don't feel bad - I only lasted at Bravo's for two hours!lol...God had another plan for me as he did for you. Keep being an encourager! :) Lauren,

  4. This is so encouraging, and what a great application! I'm not a natural encourager so I always appreciate the reminder.

  5. I'm so thankful for different champions in many seasons of my life. Currently it's mainly God, leading me on, showing me strengths, moving me forward. Hoping to find more mentors in this season:)

    I just wrote about being faithful in small beginnings, come read the short post at my blog,

    Cheers! -Rachel


We'd love to have your comments so post away!