Saturday, April 9, 2011

Meet Our Pascaline

April is a very special month in our house this year as we prepare to recognize Easter on Sunday, April 24th. Aside from all the gorgeous spring pastels and fun activities including egg hunts, dinners with family and pictures with one super decked out bunny, Easter is a time of celebration for us as the holiday proclaims Jesus Christ's victory over death. His resurrection symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him. It's been so easy for me to get distracted during this busy time but I don't want to miss the reason for the season which is the wonderful gift he has given us and to thank him for blessing our lives so fully.

Speaking of busy, did I mention, just in passing mind you, that we welcome baby #2 and also look forward to Teagan's second birthday this month?!? Perhaps. But today I have to share with you that we also celebrate the birth of a VERY special little girl named Pascaline, a little girl we affectionately refer to as "our Pascaline."

For a few years now we have been blessed to sponsor Pascaline through an amazing organization called Compassion International. The goals for our sponsorhip have been to release her from the crushing oppression of poverty while introducing her and her family to the love of Jesus Christ.

Our adopted little girl was born on April 25, 2003 and is in the equivalent of our 1st grade. Over the years we've learned more about her through letters and pictures. Pascaline attends school, Sunday School and church where she likes to sing in the choir. She helps her family out by carrying water and gathering firewood. In her free time she likes to jump rope and play games with a ball. Lately she has also been learning to make sweaters. She lives with her father and mother as well as an older brother and sister. She also has one more brother who is living far away at the moment.

Her father and mother have jobs at times helping to farm local areas. In recent years our Christmas gifts to them have been used to buy Pascaline and her family her clothing, a pair of shoes, a potato crop and a cow! They tell me soon we will have a picture of this cow and I can't wait to see it for this is a very special cow that promises to ease the burdens this family has with poverty by providing additional food as well as a source of income!

Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you were helping someone else out, only to find you received the bigger blessing? That's what happened to us. Her family showers us with continuous prayer especially during times such as when Brian's father was critically ill and we had to return to Ireland for a month and when they learned I was pregnant with both children. Most of all we feel we are in a true, impactful partnership with Pascaline's parents to give her the best future possible, one that is full of hope and promise.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child it costs less than $40, the price of a meal out per month. Choosing to sponsor a child is so rewarding and can be fun as you focus on either a boy or girl from a specific country or a child that shares a birthday with your children, just to name a few examples. What a great way to introduce your children to a geographical area and how other children live around the world. My hope is that one day my little ones will meet their sister in Christ either on this side of the world or hers. Besides getting sweet updates from Pascaline which include pictures and artwork several times a year we love sending her post cards from our travels, letters, coloring pages, bookmarks, letters and stickers.

Perhaps one of the cruelest tricks poverty plays in the lives of children is telling them no one cares, that they aren't special and they can never escape a life of desperation. As a mother I can't imagine how powerless I would feel if my children where in this situation which makes my bond with Pascaline's mom all the stronger. I am going to share with you in a follow up post why we chose to sponsor through Compassion versus other, also worthy organizations that provide similar sponsorhip opportunities. I belive Compassion International is doing some amazing things in Jesus's name and can't wait to share. Have a great Saturday everyone!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you were helping someone else out, only to find you received the bigger blessing?".....

    This made me tear up. You and Brian are so wonderful and I'm blessed to have met such amazing, caring, passoniate people. I love all of you. Thank you for sharing.

    Okay I accidently posted this orginally under Kevin's name. :)

  3. Happy Birthday to Pascaline!!! I know she is so special to you. Love the pictures.

  4. You and Brian have been so loving and faithful to this precious little girl over the years. Thank you for sharing her with all of us.

  5. What a beautiful little girl she is and what a wonderful thing, you, Brian and Teagan are doing.


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