Hurting Hearts.
Angry words.
Accusations of ignorance and judgement.
I stumbled smack into all of this recently on a mommy forum. Our group of women were once united by a love for our children. But on this day? Words typed angrily out on a computer threatened to tear us apart.
These conversations continued for days with our moderators eventually shutting down all discussion pertaining to Chick-fil-A. I walked away with a sad heart. I believe our group missed something crucial here.
God Will Make a Way
Can I be honest? It makes my heart scared to hear people think Christians hate based on who you love. Anger boils over at the mention of who is saved versus who surely must not be. It blows my mind when some (but not all) on both sides seem to forget...we are all sinners. And it makes my heart break to think as we go into a political election season that Christians are reserving harsh words for each other.
This brings to my mind the story of Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman in John 8. In that story, men wanted to trap Jesus by bringing the accused woman before Him. If he showed her grace He would be violating Moses' law. But if he ordered her stoned to death He would reported to the Romans for violating their rules. So, what would Jesus do?
When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
John 8:7 New International Version (NIV)
Wow. Can you imagine the looks on the men's faces? Talk about being convicted! One by one, they dropped their stones. One by one they slowly drifted away leaving not one person to execute her.
My point today is not to rehash the debate surrounding CFA. Instead, I want to spread a message of hope. Yes, we ALL sinners. With one Savior.
But wait...I still have issues with all of this!
- the bible says I can't love whomever I want
- the bible says I can drink what I want (smoke, get divorced or rid of my boss, et)
-I had a bad experience with "Christians"
-the church is a place for people I don't understand...I'm just not like them
-I have done some terrible things in my life. God could never love me...
Ah, those issues.
Put them away, my friend.
Don't let Satan take away a glorious eternity from you by preventing you from accepting the free gift from Christ.
You see, no matter who you are or what kind of sin you have in your heart, it doesn't prevent you from accepting Christ. The rest of the stuff? Let God take care of it. I promise He will.
Just for today, will you consider taking a step toward faith? Trust? Will you admit to Christ you are a sinner (just like the rest of us) and ask Him to be your personal Savior?
One step at a time.
God will make a way.
Dear God, I am a sinner. Thank you for sending your son...your only son to live and die for me. So that I may spend an eternity with you in heaven. I pray for your forgiveness and ask Jesus to come into my heart and life today. Help me to set aside the "stuff" and focus on your love for me...a child of God.
In Jesus' Name I Pray. Amen.
If I can pray for you please leave a comment below or email
Blessings, Michelle
Today I wrote my post as part of Faith Barista's Thursday Faith Jam. Head over to her site for more inspiration, encouragement and letters to God. You'll be hooked!