Good Wednesday everyone. I have been reading the most incredible book about Dan Wooley, a Compassion International volunteer who survived Haiti's 7.0 earthquake after being trapped under the ruble for days.
In my heart I wanted to read the book because I am a Compassion International Advocate and for the past three years our family has been a child sponsor of an adorable little girl named Pascaline in Rwanda through this amazing organization...but I am also claustrophobic. And easily impacted by imagery, especially when pregnant. So as I cracked open the book I decided I would just read a tiny few pages. But as I began to read Dan's amazing testimony of faith and courage, of the work they were doing in Haiti before the devastation hit, of his reflection that pulled his life into perspective-I found myself unable to put this book down.
I bet if we had a race to see who could read the fastest I would come in last amongst all of you. I kind of take my time, enjoy the pages, think about what I am reading and drift off to sleep. But this book kept me up until the wee hours. He details his survival methods —including using an iPhone app to treat his life-threatening injuries, pictures he took while trapped below the rubble of his hotel, letters he wrote to his wife and two small children and the decisions he made that affected his chances of surviving. I began to think on Monday night that that I must pass along the recommendation to my blog friends.
How ironic that just as I was deep into the pages of Dan's story another devastating earthquake hit New Zealand yesterday. Brian and I were blessed to visit New Zealand a few years ago and it is still one of our very favorite places. With the search for survivors continuing on I pray for them and have a very real sense of the desperation that must be there at the moment.
And then yesterday I stopped by Borders for something completely unrelated and ran into this book again. So I feel like God is really hitting me over the head here to spread the word on this by saying, "Recommend it already!!" Hence this post. And while I am at it I am going to pass along my copy as well. If you are interested simply leave me a comment below. I will giveaway the book on Friday via
I hope you are having a great day where you are! I've many pictures to catch up on posting this week so stay tuned!