Monday, July 30, 2012

Gently Through This Day

Today is the first anniversary of my father's passing. In my quiet time this morning I looked to a book called Dear Jesus by Sarah Young. I randomly select a devotional each day out of this, asking God to direct me to just the perfect message He has set aside for me. I thought the words above suited the needs of my tender heart perfectly this morning. God is so good! 

Dear God, 
Thank you for being my strength today. Thank you for letting me hear your gentle whisper in my heart. I pray that someone might be touched by your words today and know that even in grief we can look to you for comfort and freedom in this world. I praise you and ask that you bless those reading today. 

In Jesus' Name, Michelle

Later tonight I will have the linky party up for this week's Destination: Inspiration. I would love to read an inspirational post from you. And if you haven't entered to win my book giveaway there is still time! Click here for scoop on how to win Liz Curtis Higg's The Girl's Still Got It for an amazing new way to look at the book of Ruth!

Blessings, Michelle


  1. Oh, Michelle - I feel for you. My dad is getting older and while I think he has plenty of good years still ahead of him, I know he's getting closer to heaven. He loves God with all his heart, he has lived a long and full life, he has loved my mom more than his own life, he has been a Godly example time and again, to all who know him. He talks so often like he's ready for heaven, and while I am excited for him to get to meet his Lord someday, I know it will be a great loss on this side of heaven. As he gets older, I know we're one step closer each day and I know that the anniversaries and special days will be so difficult. Praying for you and trusting that the peace that passes all understanding will be yours today. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  2. Becky, thank you for your words of encouragement which mean the world to me! I am so sorry to hear about your dad. My grandmother felt the same when she got older. She had lost her husband and most of her friends so she too was ready to join them in heaven. I know that must be so difficult for you, but trust that God will be with you in that moment and prepare your heart to say good-bye, even if it is not easy. I was delighted to read your response on a day that was pretty tough for me. I went to bed after reading this and just felt a sense of calm. And today? Well today is easier. I've made it past that "first" and can feel God hugging my heart! I hope you are having a wonderful day where you are! Love, Michelle


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