Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Isla is...7 Months Old?!

In the words of your older sister, "My goodness grace-bibs (a.k.a. "gracious")!! I am shaking my head at how fast days have turned into weeks little Tuppence. You are growing up ten times faster than I am prepared for and I just want you to always be this little! I missed posting your milestones at six months so I'll try to catch up here.

*You weigh roughly 17 pounds and are already wearing some of your big sister's clothing that she didn't fit into until she was 18 months old! *

*You wear a size 4 diaper. *

Now that we aren't traveling I am back to making your food which is easy, cheaper and makes me feel good. So far your favorites are pureed sweet potatoes, carrots, and avocado. But you still don't like rice cereal. No way. Or green beans.

Yesterday (11/15) was Grandpa Gerry's birthday and you celebrated from America by calling him in Co. Cork Ireland to giggle at him while Teagan gave him her best of the birthday song. And this day also marked your first taste of fruits. You loved apples and double bonus, Tea ate some of your grub as well!

You roll over now, sit up on your own and have shown the beginnings of an army crawl. Hmm. Except that last part is totally untrue. You want nothing, not even a milisecond of a thought, to do with being on your tummy. I hate it when you cry and always scoop you up. Sigh. We gotta get busy before next week's check up with your pediatrician or she might get Daddy involved!

Teagan has become an attentive big sister these days. And I mean that in a positive way. Generally. The look on your face here kinda says it all..."Uh, guys???"

And here.....

I love you little Isla! I always tell Teagan you two are my "angels-sent-from-heaven-above!!!" (ala Raising Arizona).

We are hours from my birthday and two memories I carry with me from today are that you played and splashed in the bath for the first time today andddd...your first tooth came in! I am so PROUD of you!! Bless your heart, the past week hasn't been easy. You've had high fevers, a virus in our house and little sleep. But through it all you've been stellar even when Daddy sneezed his old sneezy sneezes that positively broke your heart and reduced you to tears. So you got through it little Tup and I knew you could do it!! But that's it, ok? No more growing up. I love you today, tomorrow, forever.

And I kiss you, Mommy

Friday, November 11, 2011

Birthday Party Fun!!

We are back from vacation and had an amazing time seeing family and friends in Arizona and Colorado! I can't wait to share our pictures but I took so many that I need a day or two to go through them. We've been down this week with a virus that ran through our house and are just getting back into the swing of things.

In the meantime, last weekend we got home despite 11 inches of Colorado snow the morning of our departure and just in time for our buddy Daniel's awesome Buzz Lightyear themed 4th birthday party!! Dad Mark and Mom Polly sure do know how to throw a fun celebration and we always like catching up with them, Daniel and his baby sister Ashleigh who's not so little anymore! Here are some of our favorite moments. I have been playing around with fun and free features on!

Gavin cracks me up! He told me this was the face of some super hero I had never heard of. No doubt he's a dead ringer as he is giving it his all here!

Just look at these so cute fall scrunchies Teagan's cousin Peyton made for her! I love them and was delighted she was distracted enough by all the cool toys and cake to keep them in her hair!

Lucas is Gavin's baby brother and he is just too cute for words! I wanna scoop him up...and did!

Ashleigh is showing Teagan how to go about picking toys for Mr. Claus to bring her at Christmas. Makes me giggle as the adults all remembered doing the same with huge Sears catalogues in our childhood. Now Tea is doing the same at home but holding steadfast to the most important request this year: a sparkly suitcase (see my previous post)!

After the party we had to stop by Aunt Melissa and Cousin Kade's house. We missed them so much!

Kade racccccccccccccced down the sidewalk toward me for action shots and even left skid marks despite my pleas that he not run over his Auntie!!

Checking out the festive decorations at neighbor and friend Donia's house.

Isn't Picnick cool??

Policeman Kade makes sure Tea is buckled in for the ride home. See you next time friends!